[midPoint] OpenLDAP resource unavailable even though Test Connection comes back green
Florin. Stingaciu
fstingaciu at mirantis.com
Tue May 24 01:46:45 CEST 2016
I'm running into this strange issue where I defined a resource, an OpenLDAP
backend. I made sure to import the appropriate certificate within the
keystore. After importing the resource, I test the connection and
everything is green and good to go, however, if I try to assign an account
to a user on this resource I get the following error:
Could not create object=cn=testGroup,ou=Groups,dc=mgmt,dc=example,dc=net on
> the resource, because resource: OpenLDAP Accounts Schema
> (OID:fd6c4614-3f1d-42c6-aec5-3d367ce04f40) is unreachable at the moment.
> Shadow is stored in the repository and the resource object will be created
> when the resource goes online
The above error is taken from the GUI. In the logs, I have the following:
ICF Exception
> org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConnectorIOException in
> connector:5b12de31-8e0c-48ab-8e5b-199467c16eab(ICF
> com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector v1.4.3.0-SNAPSHOT):
> resource:fd6c4614-3f1d-42c6-aec5-3d367ce04f40(OpenLDAP Accounts Schema):
> Error adding LDAP entry cn=testGroup,ou=Groups,dc=mgmt,dc=example,dc=net:
> operationsError: (1)
I've done this numerous times and never had this issue. I've tried debuging
it for the last two hours but I'm coming up empty handed. Here's my
connector config:
<icfc:configurationProperties xmlns:gen36="
> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/connector/icf-1/bundle/com.evolveum.polygon.connector-ldap/com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector
> ">
> <gen36:host>example.symcpe.net</gen36:host>
> <gen36:port>389</gen36:port>
> <gen36:connectionSecurity>starttls</gen36:connectionSecurity>
> <gen36:bindDn>cn=admin</gen36:bindDn>
> <gen36:bindPassword>
> <t:encryptedData>
> <t:encryptionMethod>
> <t:algorithm>http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes128-cbc
> </t:algorithm>
> </t:encryptionMethod>
> <t:keyInfo>
> <t:keyName>hJhPsasaSRiv/SoyMVjnDmRq3PKNuwQ=</t:keyName>
> </t:keyInfo>
> <t:cipherData>
> <t:cipherValue>ukt6JOfbox28PwIWwN4xnzg8/q8ZUHPlQyRm1IevYom6eaqUkzpxSiPKLxF6p4yO+v19fgegOwfqDxaXumzIQ==</t:cipherValue>
> </t:cipherData>
> </t:encryptedData>
> </gen36:bindPassword>
> <gen36:baseContext>dc=mgmt,dc=example,dc=net</gen36:baseContext>
> <gen36:passwordHashAlgorithm>SSHA</gen36:passwordHashAlgorithm>
> <gen36:pagingStrategy>auto</gen36:pagingStrategy>
> <gen36:vlvSortAttribute>uid</gen36:vlvSortAttribute>
> <gen36:vlvSortOrderingRule></gen36:vlvSortOrderingRule>
> <gen36:uidAttribute>dn</gen36:uidAttribute>
> <gen36:operationalAttributes>memberOf</gen36:operationalAttributes>
> </icfc:configurationProperties>
> </connectorConfiguration>
Any help in debugging this issue would be greatly appreciated. Oh also,
yes I do have write access to this ldap server :)
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