[midPoint] Adding Members to Role through Members page

Florin. Stingaciu fstingaciu at mirantis.com
Thu Jun 30 22:49:42 CEST 2016


Whenever I try to add a member through the "Members" tab in Midpoint,
nothing happens. I tried to add myself to the Role "Approver" through the
"Members" tab and the task never completes.

In fact midPoint starts hanging and the issue doesn't resolve and I get all
these errors: http://pastebin.com/GEgdtXnh

I'm running two instances of midPoint with the following task manager



I've tried this action with both instances alive as well as with only one.

Also here's my tomcat config pertaining to jmx:

-Dmidpoint.nodeId=001 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=20001

Even after I restart the tomcat server, midPoint doesn't respond anymore
and the logs don't show anything.

I'm willing to forgo the active active configuration and use an active
passive configuration. Also I believe this is the cause of the earlier
issues with the upgrade process (besides the mismatch in the connector)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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