[midPoint] MidPoint Multiple Nodes

Martin Marchese mmarchese at identicum.com
Wed Jul 20 22:50:22 CEST 2016

Hi All,

We are trying to add multiple nodes using 1 DB to our MidPoint
implementation. For this we are reading:


But we are still confused on how to handle keystores, more specifically,
the key that MidPoint uses to encrypt data in the DB.

As far as we understand, this key is store within the keystore, so our
question is which is the right set up in order for the second node to use
the correct key while getting encrypted information from the database?

Also, will the connectors run in both nodes? Is it possible to select in
which node does each connector run?

Thanks in Advance

*Ing. Martín Marchese*
Identicum S.A.
Anchorena 1357 PB
Tel: +54 (11) 3526.5509
mmarchese at identicum.com
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