[midPoint] Duplicate node in the Cluster

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Fri Jul 1 10:26:39 CEST 2016

Hello Dick,

this is really strange. If - after your cleanup procedure - you start 
only that one node (NA1-IDM-PRD01), does the error still occur?


On 01.07.2016 10:15, Dick Muller wrote:
> Hi,
> I run two MidPoint servers in a cluster and that worked fine, but 
> since the last two weeks the first server is complianing that there is 
> a duplicate nodeId.
> That is strange because the server is not renewed. I deleted the nodes 
> in the Task manager, rebuild the quartz database in MySQL and 
> restarted the tomcat instances.
> But still no luck, the same error comes back.
> In the idm.log the following error is raised:
> 2016-07-01 08:07:05,974 [] [ClusterManagerThread] ERROR 
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.task.quartzimpl.cluster.NodeRegistrar): The 
> record of this node cannot be read (OID 
> 9eca6710-ec8f-4380-a3e4-62de4c97deb4 not found), but another node 
> record with the name 'NA1-IDM-PRD01' exists. It seems that in this 
> cluster there are two or more nodes with the same name 
> 'NA1-IDM-PRD01'. Stopping the scheduler to minimize the damage., 
> reason: Object of type 'NodeType' with oid 
> '9eca6710-ec8f-4380-a3e4-62de4c97deb4' was not found. (class 
> com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException)
> Regards,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Dick Muller*
> Systems Engineer
> Delftechpark 37i
> 2628 XJ Delft*
> d*: +31 88 2682586
> *m:* +31 6 46477690
> http://client.tahzoo.com/tahzoo/logo_blue_100w.png 
> <http://www.tahzoo.com/>
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