[midPoint] Duplicate node in the Cluster

Dick Muller dick.muller at tahzoo.com
Fri Jul 1 10:15:43 CEST 2016


I run two MidPoint servers in a cluster and that worked fine, but since the last two weeks the first server is complianing that there is a duplicate nodeId.

That is strange because the server is not renewed. I deleted the nodes in the Task manager, rebuild the quartz database in MySQL and restarted the tomcat instances.

But still no luck, the same error comes back.

In the idm.log the following error is raised:

2016-07-01 08:07:05,974 [] [ClusterManagerThread] ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.task.quartzimpl.cluster.NodeRegistrar): The record of this node cannot be read (OID 9eca6710-ec8f-4380-a3e4-62de4c97deb4 not found), but another node record with the name 'NA1-IDM-PRD01' exists. It seems that in this cluster there are two or more nodes with the same name 'NA1-IDM-PRD01'. Stopping the scheduler to minimize the damage., reason: Object of type 'NodeType' with oid '9eca6710-ec8f-4380-a3e4-62de4c97deb4' was not found. (class com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException)



Dick Muller

Systems Engineer

Delftechpark 37i
2628 XJ Delft
d: +31 88 2682586
m: +31 6 46477690


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