[midPoint] tasks - fatal error

Oskar Butovič - AMI Praha a.s. oskar.butovic at ami.cz
Fri Dec 23 09:19:06 CET 2016

Ok thanks a lot Pavol.

I did the mistake by using bulk task (
http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/scripting/handler-3 ) for
rocompute. Which was mayor problem due to its stop on first error. Ill try

2016-12-22 18:19 GMT+01:00 Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com>:

> Oskar,
> it depends on what kind of task you are working with. Generally, tasks
> like reconciliation, recomputation, live sync, import should continue even
> in the face of fatal errors.
> However, bulk actions are quite unfinished in this respect. I planned to
> implement some kind of configurable "on error" behaviors, but ... there was
> (and still is) no time to do that. So the only approach for bulk actions is
> "stop on first error".
> Pavol Mederly
> Software developerevolveum.com
> On 22.12.2016 17:42, Oskar Butovič - AMI Praha a.s. wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> is there any way in midpoint how to make task continue on another user
> even when experienced fatal error during execution?
> Best Regards
> Oskar Butovič
> --
> Oskar Butovič
> solution architect
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Oskar Butovič
solution architect

gsm: [+420] 774 480 101
e-mail: oskar.butovic at ami.cz

AMI Praha a.s.
Pláničkova 11
162 00 Praha 6
tel.: [+420] 274 783 239
web: www.ami.cz

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