[midPoint] ScriptedSQL - Activation using group membership - schema handling

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Wed Dec 7 15:06:49 CET 2016

Hello All,

I'm looking for an idea how to implement Activation using ScriptedSQL

Activation in the application is done by assigning user to group called
"Disabled". I made an "Update" groovy script, it seemd to be working (at
least shows no error). All fine, but "Activation" capability is using an
attribute, but there is no specified attribute in such matter.

I don't want to interfere with the database structure (eg adding
columns, triggers, views and so) due to application upgrade process,
which is sensitive to db structure changes.

Is this possible at all?
Thank you very much

Wojciech Staszewski

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