[midPoint] High CPU Utilization After Import Attempt - UI Unresponsive

Mencel, Matt mr-mencel at wiu.edu
Fri Aug 26 17:05:09 CEST 2016

I just attempted my first import from LDAP.  I have a condition that limits
the import to a single department of about 80 accounts, but the import
still processes all the others.

The import processed nearly 30000 accounts.  At just over 9000 the web UI
became unresponsive.  It's been 30 minutes and I still can't do anything in
the UI.

My tomcat java process is still eating up the CPU, but nothing has logged
in the idm.log for the last 30 minutes.  Is there some other place I can
look to see what this process is doing?

Here's the processes from htop...

111390 tomcat_mi  20   0 9163M 5052M 15752 S 591. 42.1  2h08:45
111404 tomcat_mi  20   0 9163M 5052M 15752 R 98.3 42.1 19:45.81
111407 tomcat_mi  20   0 9163M 5052M 15752 R 98.3 42.1 19:42.20
111405 tomcat_mi  20   0 9163M 5052M 15752 R 99.0 42.1 19:42.24
111406 tomcat_mi  20   0 9163M 5052M 15752 R 98.3 42.1 19:47.07
111402 tomcat_mi  20   0 9163M 5052M 15752 R 97.7 42.1 19:44.50
111403 tomcat_mi  20   0 9163M 5052M 15752 R 98.3 42.1 19:43.86
111408 tomcat_mi  20   0 9163M 5052M 15752 S  1.3 42.1  0:53.12

Details on one of the processes....
# ps aux | grep 11390

tomcat_+ 111390  204 42.1 9383488 5173404 ?     Ssl  08:57 133:18
-Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 -Dmidpoint.home=/opt/midpoint
-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=jceks -Xms512m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -Xss1m
-Xmx4096m -classpath
-Dcatalina.base=/opt/tomcat_midpoint -Dcatalina.home=/opt/tomcat_midpoint
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

Are those threads still just busy processing the records?

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