[midPoint] Live Synchronization Task not Syncing

Pálos Gustáv gustav.palos at evolveum.com
Thu Aug 25 06:40:28 CEST 2016

Hi Martin,

can you try instead of VARCHAR2 using timestamp?
from javadoc:
* Change Log Column (should automatically add ORDER BY)
* If the value is non empty, the SyncOp should be supported
* *It could be nativeTimestamps.*
after changed VIEW structure, please delete old token from resource XML and
try again


2016-08-24 19:06 GMT+02:00 Martin Marchese <mmarchese at identicum.com>:

> The CHANGE_LOG is generated in the VIEW by using to_char(SYSDATE), so it's
> Thanks
> *Ing. Martín Marchese*
> Identicum S.A.
> Jorge Newbery 3226
> Tel: +54 (11) 4552-3050
> mmarchese at identicum.com
> www.identicum.com
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 1:28 PM, Ivan Noris <Ivan.Noris at evolveum.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> this looks strange, as it is Oracle error...what is the CHANGE_LOG type
>> in your database?
>> Ivan
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: *"Martin Marchese" <mmarchese at identicum.com>
>> *To: *"midPoint General Discussion" <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
>> *Sent: *Wednesday, August 24, 2016 5:34:38 PM
>> *Subject: *Re: [midPoint] Live Synchronization Task not Syncing
>> Pálos / Ivan
>> Thanks both for the help, unfortunately I had no luck yet.
>> First I'd like to state that I'm using a VIEW and not a TABLE.
>> I tried restarting midpoint, since I did change the database, but still
>> no luck.
>> I had the CHANGE_LOG column but it had not had any value, so to start
>> testing I added the to_char(SYSDATE) into that column. Now I'm receiving
>> the following errors:
>> *Internal Error: DB error: java.sql.SQLException(ORA-01722: invalid
>> number?)   *
>> *Operation*
>> *operation.com
>> <http://operation.com>.evolveum.midpoint.common.operation.liveSync*
>> *Message*
>> *Internal Error: DB error: java.sql.SQLException(ORA-01722: invalid
>> number?)*
>> * Synchronization error: generic connector framework error: DB error:
>> java.sql.SQLException(ORA-01722: invalid number?)   *
>> *Operation*
>> *operation.com
>> <http://operation.com>.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.api.ProvisioningService.synchronize*
>> *Message*
>> *Synchronization error: generic connector framework error: DB error:
>> java.sql.SQLException(ORA-01722: invalid number?)*
>> *Parameters*
>> *oid javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement at a039fa4*
>> *task javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement at 5cd8d164*
>> Any thoughts on this?
>> Also, I'm working on getting the resource and task XML so I can send it
>> over this thread.
>> Thanks in advance
>> *Ing. Martín Marchese*
>> Identicum S.A.
>> Jorge Newbery 3226
>> Tel: +54 (11) 4552-3050
>> mmarchese at identicum.com
>> www.identicum.com
>> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 4:54 PM, Ivan Noris <Ivan.Noris at evolveum.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Martin,
>>> can you check the Task in the repository, if there is a "token" element
>>> (don't remember the exact name as I don't have mp handy now) in the task
>>> extension? There should be date/time of the last modification from DB.
>>> What comes to my mind: have you recently changed the structure of  the
>>> table? I mean, adding or removing columns after you have configured the
>>> resource? I remember to have this https://jira.evolveum.com/brow
>>> se/MID-2046 when I was playing with DBT connector and have added the
>>> "timestamp" column after the connection from mp to DB was already made...
>>> (Restarting either midpoint or the database to break the connection and
>>> restore it using Test connection helped).
>>> But it is just a guess now.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ivan
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From: *"Martin Marchese" <mmarchese at identicum.com>
>>> *To: *"midPoint General Discussion" <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
>>> *Sent: *Tuesday, August 23, 2016 9:28:25 PM
>>> *Subject: *[midPoint] Live Synchronization Task not Syncing
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm working with a DatabaseTable connector which has a LiveSync task
>>> assigned in order to sync users from the table into MidPoint and it's
>>> inbound mappings for each attribute set up.
>>> However, whenever I create a new user in the database table it does not
>>> sync into MidPoint even if the task is running. The only way I can create
>>> the user in MidPoint is manually importing it thru the Resource.
>>> Besides, once the user is created, the modifications that I do within
>>> the databse table, never sync into MidPoint.
>>> An INFO level log shows no error nor warnings.
>>> Is there any thing that needs to be enabled within the resource/task in
>>> order to do this?
>>> Thanks
>>> *Ing. Martín Marchese*
>>> Identicum S.A.
>>> Jorge Newbery 3226
>>> Tel: +54 (11) 4552-3050
>>> mmarchese at identicum.com
>>> www.identicum.com
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>>> --
>>> Ivan Noris
>>> Senior Identity Engineer
>>> evolveum.com
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>> --
>> Ivan Noris
>> Senior Identity Engineer
>> evolveum.com
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Gustáv Pálos
Identity Engineer
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