[midPoint] Parsing Dates in Inbound Mapping

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Wed Aug 24 09:48:50 CEST 2016

On 08/23/2016 07:24 PM, Pavol Mederly wrote:
> It seems that midPoint doesn't support xsd:date, only xsd:dateTime.

Yes, that's exactly the case. This goes back to early days of midPoint 
where we (knowingly) implemented support for just the subset of XSD data 
types to save the implementation effort. So, dateTime was supported as 
timestamps are really important for IDM. But date was not supported as 
dateTime can be easily used as a replacement. Later we have found out 
that the support for all the XSD types is not really needed. MidPoint 
can work perfectly even without all these exotic data type shades of 
gray. So we have preferred features that were more useful and the full 
support for all the XSD data types was never implemented. And I do not 
think we really need it.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

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