[midPoint] Having trouble with correlation expressions

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Thu Aug 4 08:13:38 CEST 2016

Hello Georgijs,

I assume you are using Resource Wizard; and that you are using it on 
midPoint 3.4.

I see two issues in your code:

 1. The <correlation> element shouldn't be there.
 2. <path>uid</path> is not correct, as "uid" is not a property of
    midPoint user. Maybe you meant "name" here (this serves as user's
    identifier in midPoint).

So your rule should perhaps look like this:


Best regards,

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 03.08.2016 15:46, Georgijs Radovs wrote:
> Hi!
> This is my setup:
> midPoint instance with LDAP connector to 389 Directory Server instance
> configured midPoint resource with posixAccount objectClass with 
> attribute mappings, pointed to 389 DS instance
> 389 DS instance
> The general idea of my setup is this:
> Administrator creates a new user in midPoint instance, assigns him 
> resource projection for 389 DS, this user is created in 389 DS, and 
> all subsequent changes of user information are done in midPoint and 
> synchronized to 389 DS instance.
> User Synchronization should be one-way: user creation and 
> configuration in midPoint -> synchronization to 389 DS.
> I'm having a problem with synchronization and correlation expressions.
> I'm trying to setup an expression based on this information:
> https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Correlation+and+Confirmation+Expressions
> but when I try to update clause, I get this error:
> Could not create MaxXNode from provided XML filterClause. Please enter 
> correct expression. Reason: {0}
> This is my expression:
> <correlation>
>        <q:equal>
>          <q:path>uid</q:path>
>            <expression>
>               <path>
>               $account/attributes/ri:uid
>               </path>
>            </expression>
>          </q:equal>
> </correlation>
> Help, anyone?
> Georgijs Radovs
> Junior Systems Administrator
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