[midPoint] Having trouble with correlation expressions

Georgijs Radovs georgijsr at scandiweb.com
Wed Aug 3 15:46:56 CEST 2016


This is my setup:
midPoint instance with LDAP connector to 389 Directory Server instance
configured midPoint resource with posixAccount objectClass with attribute
mappings, pointed to 389 DS instance
389 DS instance

The general idea of my setup is this:

Administrator creates a new user in midPoint instance, assigns him resource
projection for 389 DS, this user is created in 389 DS, and all subsequent
changes of user information are done in midPoint and synchronized to 389 DS
User Synchronization should be one-way: user creation and configuration in
midPoint -> synchronization to 389 DS.

I'm having a problem with synchronization and correlation expressions.
I'm trying to setup an expression based on this information:
but when I try to update clause, I get this error:
Could not create MaxXNode from provided XML filterClause. Please enter
correct expression. Reason: {0}

This is my expression:


Help, anyone?

Georgijs Radovs
Junior Systems Administrator
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