[midPoint] Questions about midPoint GUI

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Thu Oct 1 13:03:52 CEST 2015

Hello Fabio,

sorry for the late answer.

> - there is the possibility to use classic combo box (html selectlist) 
> in spite of javascript list;
As far as I know, you would have to declare the extension property as 
ENUM in order to see a combo box. (Not tried that yet.)

> - there is the possibility to pick possible values for the fields by 
> querying a database table or an ldap server (picking the connection 
> from a resource for doing that...);
> - there is the possibility to update a field value picking the value 
> from another field in real time (without saving and edit again the user).

No, this is currently not possible without customising midPoint GUI 
code. As for the second question, it might be possible to synchronize 
LookupTable with the database table / LDAP server by some other means, 
to achieve the necessary effect. But that's probably quite complicated.

Best regards,

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