[midPoint] programmatically "reconcile a user"

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Mon Mar 2 22:56:39 CET 2015

Hello Dharmendra,

generally speaking, the <ref> element in the inducement requires the 
namespace to be present and to be declared in order to function correctly.
Maybe in 3.2 we'll change this, as is discussed in MID-2191 
<https://jira.evolveum.com/browse/MID-2191>, but for 3.1 it is 
definitely so.

> We have added this inducement by web-service client and at that point 
> we do not have information about correct namespace so how can we get 
> rid of this.
> The problem we have is at that point we do not know if the attribute 
> is icf attribute or not so we cannot add the namespace. So is it 
> necessary to have the correct namespace or is it a problem in midpoint?

I'm not sure I understand you fully.

I think you can safely add the following namespace:

for majority of attribute names, or
for special names, like icfs:name, icfs:uid, icfs:groups and a few 
others, less frequently used.

It does not matter if you create a role or its inducement via GUI, 
import objects, or via web service. In all the cases you can (and 
should) use the correct namespace.

One note regarding undeclared namespaces (like qn43:groups without 
declaring qn43). In midPoint 3.1, these are not checked, and result of 
using them is generally unpredictable. In current master, we added a 
code that checks for such situations, and forbids using object with such 
undeclared namespaces (as described in MID-2191). This check can be 
temporarily turned off via Configuration->Internals 
configuration->Internals config->Tolerate undeclared prefixes...); when 
releasing 3.1.1 it will be probably turned OFF by default. Maybe the 
role search in your case is failing because of this (but I'm not sure); 
please check the midPoint logs. Anyway, it is strictly necessary to use 
correctly defined namespaces in <ref> elements.

Hope this helps,

PS: I'm on a vacation this week. So perhaps someone else on this list 
would be able to help you further, or I'll be back on March 8th (or 
perhaps during evenings/nights, but without warranty).

On 2. 3. 2015 8:36, Dharmendra Parakh wrote:
> Hi
> I have a situation where my role search is failing when i search by 
> name/oid or type.
> As per my observation this role has an inducement in which there is 
> certain attribute without namespace defined:
>         <inducement id="2">
>               <construction>
>                  <resourceRef
>         oid="ef2bc95b-76e0-48e2-86d6-3d4f02d3eaef"
>         type="ResourceType"><!-- Active Directory Resource
>         --></resourceRef>
>                  <attribute>
>         <ref>qn43:groups</ref>
>                     <outbound>
>          <strength>strong</strength>
>                        <expression>
>         <value>cn=portal_support,ou=groups,dc=confluxsys,dc=com</value>
>                        </expression>
>                     </outbound>
>                  </attribute>
>               </construction>
>            </inducement>
> Now when i added appropriate namespace it worked for me.
>     <inducement id="2">
>     <construction>
>      <resourceRef oid="ef2bc95b-76e0-48e2-86d6-3d4f02d3eaef"
>     type="ResourceType"><!-- Active Directory Resource --></resourceRef>
>      <attribute>
>               <ref
>     xmlns:qn43="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/connector/icf-1/resource-schema-3">qn43:groups</ref>
>     <outbound>
>      <strength>strong</strength>
>      <expression>
>     <value>cn=portal_support,ou=groups,dc=confluxsys,dc=com</value>
>      </expression>
>     </outbound>
>      </attribute>
>     </construction>
>      </inducement>
> We have added this inducement by web-service client and at that point 
> we do not have information about correct namespace so how can we get 
> rid of this.
> The problem we have is at that point we do not know if the attribute 
> is icf attribute or not so we cannot add the namespace. So is it 
> necessary to have the correct namespace or is it a problem in midpoint?
> Please provide some assistance on this.
> Thanks
> Dharmendra
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 6:57 PM, Dharmendra Parakh 
> <dharmendra at confluxsys.com <mailto:dharmendra at confluxsys.com>> wrote:
>     Hey Pavol
>     I missed that equal thing.
>     Thanks, that worked like a charm.
>     Regards
>     Dharmendra
>     On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 6:34 PM, Pavol Mederly
>     <mederly at evolveum.com <mailto:mederly at evolveum.com>> wrote:
>         Dharmendra,
>         it is not supported to test references using <equal>
>         condition. You have to use <ref> one.
>         So I suggest to replace "<equal ..." section in
>         .parseSearchFilterType() call with this one
>         <ref>
>         <path>assignment/targetRef</path>
>             <value>
>                 <oid>*... put roleOid here ... *</oid>
>                 <type>RoleType</type>
>             </value>
>         </ref>
>         It should work. :-) If not, please let me know.
>         Best regards,
>         Pavol
>>         HI
>>         I tried it but didn't work for me, I am using following code:
>>         private static List<UserType> searchRoleMembers(ModelPortType
>>         modelPort, String roleOid) throws SAXException, IOException,
>>         FaultMessage, JAXBException {
>>         // WARNING: in a real case make sure that the username is
>>         properly
>>         // escaped before putting it in XML
>>         SearchFilterType filter = ModelClientUtil
>>         .parseSearchFilterType("<equal
>>         xmlns='http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/query-3'
>>         xmlns:c='http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3'
>>         >"
>>         + "<path>assignment/targetRef</path>" + "<value><oid>" +
>>         roleOid + "</oid> <type>RoleType</type> </value>" + "</equal>");
>>         QueryType query = new QueryType();
>>         query.setFilter(filter);
>>         SelectorQualifiedGetOptionsType options = new
>>         SelectorQualifiedGetOptionsType();
>>         Holder<ObjectListType> objectListHolder = new
>>         Holder<ObjectListType>();
>>         Holder<OperationResultType> resultHolder = new
>>         Holder<OperationResultType>();
>>         modelPort.searchObjects(ModelClientUtil.getTypeQName(UserType.class),
>>         query, options, objectListHolder, resultHolder);
>>         ObjectListType objectList = objectListHolder.value;
>>         List<ObjectType> objects = objectList.getObject();
>>         if (objects.isEmpty()) {
>>         return null;
>>         }
>>         List<UserType> result = new ArrayList<>(objects.size());
>>         for(ObjectType object: objects ){
>>         result.add((UserType) object);
>>         }
>>         return result;
>>         }
>>         Am i doing anything wrong?
>>         Thanks!
>>         On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 4:36 PM, Pavol Mederly
>>         <mederly at evolveum.com <mailto:mederly at evolveum.com>> wrote:
>>             You can easily get all users that have *directly*
>>             assigned a role - it is a search on UserType using the
>>             following criteria:
>>             <ref>
>>             <path>assignment/targetRef</path>
>>                 <value>
>>             <oid>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004</oid>
>>             <type>RoleType</type>
>>                 </value>
>>             </ref>
>>             (replace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004 with the
>>             OID of your role)
>>             However, this does not find users that have such a role
>>             assigned indirectly (e.g. as inducement in another role).
>>             This is not currently supported.
>>             Best regards,
>>             Pavol
>>>             HI
>>>             Thanks for the information, this works.
>>>             One more thing Our requirement is to reconcile users
>>>             associated to some specific role, So is there a way to
>>>             get the users associated to a role without iterating all
>>>             the users.
>>>             Thanks!
>>>             On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 3:27 PM, Pavol Mederly
>>>             <mederly at evolveum.com <mailto:mederly at evolveum.com>> wrote:
>>>                 Hello Manish,
>>>                 I've just pushed a sample code that demonstrates this.
>>>                 Here is the java code - actually, it's an empty
>>>                 modification with RECONCILE option set (see red lines):
>>>                 private static void reconcileUser(ModelPortType
>>>                 modelPort, String oid) throws FaultMessage {
>>>                 ObjectDeltaType userDelta = new ObjectDeltaType();
>>>                 userDelta.setOid(oid);
>>>                 userDelta.setObjectType(ModelClientUtil.getTypeQName(UserType.class));
>>>                 userDelta.setChangeType(ChangeTypeType.MODIFY);
>>>                 ObjectDeltaListType deltaList = new
>>>                 ObjectDeltaListType();
>>>                 deltaList.getDelta().add(userDelta);
>>>                 ModelExecuteOptionsType optionsType = new
>>>                 ModelExecuteOptionsType();
>>>                 optionsType.setReconcile(true);
>>>                 modelPort.executeChanges(deltaList, optionsType);
>>>                 }
>>>                 This is how it looks like in XML:
>>>                 <soap:Body>
>>>                 <ns8:executeChanges
>>>                 xmlns:ns2="http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/types-3"
>>>                 <http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/types-3>
>>>                 xmlns:ns3="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3"
>>>                 <http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3>
>>>                 xmlns:ns8="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/model-3"
>>>                 <http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/model-3>
>>>                 xmlns:ns9="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/api-types-3"
>>>                 <http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/api-types-3>>
>>>                 <ns8:deltaList>
>>>                 <ns9:delta>
>>>                 <ns2:changeType>modify</ns2:changeType>
>>>                 <ns2:objectType>ns3:UserType</ns2:objectType>
>>>                 <ns2:oid>c0c010c0-d34d-b33f-f00d-11111111ec1e</ns2:oid>
>>>                 </ns9:delta>
>>>                 </ns8:deltaList>
>>>                 <ns8:options>
>>>                 <ns3:reconcile>true</ns3:reconcile>
>>>                 </ns8:options>
>>>                 </ns8:executeChanges>
>>>                 </soap:Body>
>>>                 Hope this helps.
>>>                 Pavol
>>>                 On 10. 2. 2015 22:40, Manish Baid wrote:
>>>>                 Hi,
>>>>                 Using webservice client, can you please share some
>>>>                 pointers on how to: programmatically "reconcile a
>>>>                 user"?
>>>>                 Basically, we are trying to re-enforce
>>>>                 role-inducement updates to "affected" users.
>>>>                 Thanks
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