[midPoint] ObjectImporter logging.

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Tue Jun 16 08:39:24 CEST 2015

Hi Aleksey,

The import is designed to work inside an (asynchronous) task. As far as 
I remember the errors are summarized in OperationResult instances. But I 
might be wrong. The importer code is one of the oldest parts of 
midPoint. There may be issues.

You are more than welcome to form midPoint on github, improve the code 
and create a pull request to merge it back.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 06/15/2015 03:09 PM, Ващенков Алексей wrote:
> We created configuration autoimport while starting the application. 
> And take some troubles.
> While auto import configuration, some configuration doesn’t imported 
> and we don’t see any logging information about it. I have found that 
> start of importing is logging in DEBUG and TRACE level, unlike INFO 
> level in successfully importing. And no any logging information in if 
> blocks like this
>                 if (!objectResult.isAcceptable()) {
>                return EventResult.skipObject(objectResult.getMessage());
>                 }
> And no any logging in case of uncatched exception.
> If, logging level is set to INFO, then developer doesn’t see any 
> logging(even the object have start to import) if the object isn’t 
> acceptable or if NPE throws in object import.
> It would be great if logging will be corrected.
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