[midPoint] ObjectImporter logging.

Ващенков Алексей a.vashchenkov at solarsecurity.ru
Mon Jun 15 15:09:24 CEST 2015

We created configuration autoimport while starting the application. And take some troubles.
While auto import configuration, some configuration doesn't imported and we don't see any logging information about it. I have found that start of importing is logging in DEBUG and TRACE level, unlike INFO level in successfully importing. And no any logging information in if blocks like this
                if (!objectResult.isAcceptable()) {
                               return EventResult.skipObject(objectResult.getMessage());

And no any logging in case of uncatched exception.

If, logging level is set to INFO, then developer doesn't see any logging(even the object have start to import) if the object isn't acceptable or if NPE throws in object import.
It would be great if logging will be corrected.
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