[midPoint] Error : Data truncation: Data too long for column 'stringValue' at row 1
Deepak Natarajan
dnataraj at trilobytesystems.com
Thu Sep 11 23:56:29 CEST 2014
Hi -
We are seeing a database error when importing users into Midpoint.
I've attached a fragment of the idm.log (can attach complete zipped log
if needed...)
This could obviously explain why a non-trivial % of our users are not
being provisioned in AD. I can't see from the log what exactly is the
table involved...
We have quite deeply nested organization structures, and the cn's for
these OU's are quite long - so the entire DN can easily be longer than
255 CHARS , e.g DN : OU=Socialpsykiatrisk Center Sukkertoppen -
Beskæftigelse,OU=Sukkertoppen og Tinghøj - Elever studerende og
Beskæftigelse,OU=Psykiatriafdelingen - Døgntilbud,OU=Social og Psykiatri
- drift,OU=Velfærdsforvaltningen,OU=Vejle Kommune,OU=APOS,DC=Vejle,DC=dk
(And there are longer ones!)
Could anyone please help? many thanks.
Deepak Natarajan
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