[midPoint] ModelClient Question

Viliam Repan vilo.repan at evolveum.com
Mon Apr 7 12:46:07 CEST 2014

Hi Alexander,

1. IMHO I think midpoint repository would return exception or maybe 
objects that doesn't match your query criteria (in case of bug) but it 
would not return empty objects. Can you please send some logs from 
midpoint (e.g. com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql to TRACE if possible 
during this test) as well as query that you sent to midpoint WS, maybe 
we can replicate this in tests.

2. When using ModelPortType.searchObjects(), for searching users in 
given OrgType I would set arguments to:
     <q:query xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
         <q:orgRef oid="00000000-8888-6666-0000-200000000002" /> <!-- 
your OrgType oid -->
     This XML sample uses OrgFilter in ObjectQuery.

     options: null or empty
     and holders for results.

Best regards,


On 04/04/2014 04:43 PM, Alexander Grzesik wrote:
> I have some more questions on the use of the ModelClient:
> 1.   When I have some object that are linked to organization Units and I use getParentOrg, I get a list of OrgType but all properties of these OrgTypes are empty. Are there some options that can be set on loading the objects to fill this data ?
> 2.   I was not yet able to figure out how I can search for Objects based on a parent Org. So getting all users for a given parentOrg or getting all child Orgs for a parent, given having the oid.
> Thank You
> Alexander
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Ing. Viliam Repán(
Evolveum, s.r.o.

tel: +421 910 797978
mail: vilo.repan at evolveum.com

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