[midPoint] RE : Oh, another question

Belleville-Rioux, Vincent rioux.vincent at uqam.ca
Fri Sep 27 15:44:54 CEST 2013


Ok, I understand the reasoning there.

It might be better to add that suggestion to the wiki because as I didn't expect to test midPoint that much when I first stumbled upon it, I didn't care about creating my own copies of the configuration files.

While my own laziness is at fault here, I guess I would have done otherwise if I read in the quick start guide that I would have a harder time if I didn't do this.

So with my recent editing powers on the wiki, I went ahead and added a notice before the "Basic User Management" section of both First Steps pages.

It is really not a priority at all but maybe, just maybe, it would be nice to see inbuilt configuration files versioning.  You could keep the as-sent XML file when it passes validation and just show the parsed-and-renamespaced version as a view-only textarea below.  That way, editing and doing small changes on test systems would be much easier and also more live-like.

I just tried to do a demo of what I have working in midPoint to one of my colleague and the XML configuration files with namespaces everywhere scared him off! :)


De : midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com [midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] de la part de Radovan Semancik [radovan.semancik at evolveum.com]
Date d'envoi : 27 septembre 2013 05:22
À : midpoint at lists.evolveum.com
Objet : Re: [midPoint] Oh, another question


This is similar to the previous problem. We are struggling with this issues for years. And we haven't figured any practical solution except to get away from XML and XML libraries. The best way is to maintain the XML source code in a separate file, change it there and reimport it to midpoint after every change. This is what we do. It is also better for version control of your configuration files.

The situation may get a bit better when we add JSON support. But the approach with managing the files externally (and version-control them) may still be the best.

If you have any ideas how to improve midPoint "development cycle" I will be very grateful if you can share them. I mean the "cycle" of creating a configuration, modifying and testing it, migrating to production environment etc. Currently midPoint is somehow tuned to the methodology that we use. but I understand very well that other people are using different methodologies. Making midPoint easy-to-use is one of our priorities. Therefore if you see where midPoint can be improved to better support your style of work please say so. We will gladly improve midPoint as much as we can.


                                           Radovan Semancik
                                          Software Architect

On 09/26/2013 10:16 PM, Belleville-Rioux, Vincent wrote:
Also, any way to prevent having all that namespacing spam generated when I save XMLs inside midPoint?

It gets almost unreadable...  Like so :

<resource xmlns="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-2a"<http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-2a>

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