[midPoint] RE : Users

Belleville-Rioux, Vincent rioux.vincent at uqam.ca
Thu Oct 3 15:37:56 CEST 2013

Hi Riško,

Thanks for your input!  Have you made some performance trials?   We are also looking at synchronizing our accounts between many different systems (SQL tables / AD / generic LDAPs, etc.)

It's nice to see that some big players are implementing the product.

De : Riško Lukáš [Lukas.Risko at rec.uniba.sk]
Date d'envoi : 3 octobre 2013 09:33
À : Belleville-Rioux, Vincent
Cc : midpoint at lists.evolveum.com
Objet : Re: Users

Hi Vincent,

We are deploying midPoint at Comenius University Bratislava for more than 35 000 users (students and employees). Our intent is to have many existing systems integrated with one centralized user management system able to automatically create users account when he is hired, delete users account when he is fired, etc.

Best regards,
Lukas Risko

> Hi all,
> Is any big university using midPoint?  We are evaluating the product at Université du Québec à Montréal along with a few other ones and one big question is the durability of the > product and company.
> If any midPoint user would like to share his / her thoughts, we'd really appreciate it!
> Thanks!
> Vincent Rioux
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