[Midpoint-dev] Issues in creating approval workflow

Shelly Piplani shelly.piplani at ilantus.com
Wed Oct 8 17:37:59 CEST 2014

Hi ,

I am trying to create approval workflow. Ihave created a manager for an Organisation Unit and created a role called SensitiveRole3 as given in the following link:



midpoint/sensitive-role-3.xml at master · Evolveum/midpoint · GitHub
midpoint - MidPoint Identity Manager
Read more...<https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint/blob/master/samples/roles/sensitive-role-3.xml>

 However, I have removed the  following from the role:

<description>If the user works in F0006 (Scumm Bar), the assignment of this role is automatically approved for him.</description>
<code>midpoint.isMemberOf(user, midpoint.getOrgByName("F0006").getOid())</code>

After assigning that Organisation unit to the user, I am trying to assign SensitiveRole3 to this user.
I am getting the following error in idm logs:

2014-10-08 20:53:21,861 [MODEL] [http-8008-5] ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.wf.impl.jobs.JobController): Couldn't send a request to start a process instance to workflow management system, reason: Couldn't evaluate approvers expressions
2014-10-08 20:53:21,910 [MODEL] [http-8008-5] ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.wf.impl.processors.primary.PrimaryChangeProcessor): Workflow process(es) could not be started, reason: Workflow process instance creation could not be requested.

Please provide your inputs on this.


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