[midPoint] Configuring midPoint to connect to external Postgresql database

Nadim El-Khoury nel-khoury at springfield.edu
Mon Dec 11 18:18:34 CET 2023

Hi Everyone,

All of the sample configurations for midPoint point to a database server
that is running on the same server where midPoint is installed.

We already have a Postgresql server running on another server. We want to
configure mdiPoint to point to that server and for the connection to be
over SSL.

Has anyone configured midPoint to connect to an external Postgresql
database server?

Is it a matter of changing the following line in the config.xml file? How
do you specify SSL connections?


I really appreciate your help.


Nadim El-Khoury
Director of Networks, Systems, Infrastructure, and CISO
Springfield College
263 Alden Street
Springfield, MA 01109

"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget
what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya
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