[midPoint] Meta Role

Roman Pudil - AMI Praha a.s. roman.pudil at ami.cz
Thu Jan 18 10:07:26 CET 2018

Hi Jan,

1) look in documentation on wiki (especially for 
2) look in examples in /samples/ directory on midPoint project (look 
there for Object Templates)


Roman Pudil
solution architect

gsm: [+420] 775 663 666
e-mail: roman.pudil at ami.cz

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------ Původní zpráva ------
Od: "Jan Kaspar" <Caspi at seznam.cz>
Komu: midpoint at lists.evolveum.com
Odesláno: 18.1.2018 10:00:16
Předmět: [midPoint] Meta Role

>I have a question regarding assingning meta roles.
>How can I automatically assign metarole to imported group from AD?
>Now i am assigning meta role to roles based on roleType attribute.
>Imported roles have only names imported and projection filed by 
>Is there posibility to create condition based on projection?
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