[midPoint] Unix Connector - linux account password problem

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Fri Nov 25 22:46:46 CET 2016


I'm currently assigning Linux (CentOS 7) resource projection to MidPoint user. 
Everything goes OK, linux account is created, except setting user password.
When I'm not filling manually any field, then username/UID/shell/homedir is taken from 
LDAP resource (posixAccount attributes) via mapping, but connector is not setting 
password for Linux account.
When I set password manually at assigning projection step in MidPoint, got this error:
*[1]Could not create object=XXXXX on the resource, because resource: LINUX - 
server112 (OID:35aa3611-c32e-4841-ac69-467f19ed8e7d) is unreachable at the 
moment. Shadow is stored in the repository and the resource object will be created when 
the resource goes online: Add object failed[2]*

Connector: UnixConnector v1.1-SNAPSHOT
compiled from sources yesterday.

Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong?-- 
Wojciech Staszewski
Administrator Systemów Sieciowych
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[2] javascript:;
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