[midPoint] Admin gui and large number of top level organizations

Pálos Gustáv gustav.palos at evolveum.com
Wed Nov 2 10:52:17 CET 2016

Hi Pertti,

this situation in most cases we solve over one "ROOT" org, and assigning
all other orgs (your root orgs) what we need under this.
This can be done for example by object template with condition - if you
don't have parent, assign "ROOT", in other cases assign same as before.

Is this solution OK for you?

Best regards,


2016-11-02 10:44 GMT+01:00 Pertti Kellomäki <pertti.kellomaki at datactica.fi>:

> Hi,
> By default the Organization tree view in the admin gui shows each top
> level organization as a separate tab. I am working on a case where there
> are a large number of nonrelated top level organizations, which would make
> the Organization tree view impractical to use. Is it possible to configure
> the top level tree view to use e.g. a similar pane to the Members pane in
> the tree view? Alternatively, how difficult would it be to implement some
> kind of filtering in the tree view?
> Thanks, Pertti
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Gustáv Pálos
Identity Engineer
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