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<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>I'm currently trying to add some functionality to our
accessRequest setup:</p>
<p>I want to display different catalogs of roles based on the
role/org membership of a user.<br>
The scenario I have in mind enables a user that is a member of a
specific org to request access to (some) roles in that org. The
object collection for that is simple, but if I configure the
roleCatalog through the adminGuiConfiguration attribute and assign
the role to a user, the collections defined through different
roles are not merged but replaced.</p>
<p>So I have a setup where a user is able to see some roles in the
access request GUI configured through a role. But as soon as they
are a member of two roles defining different collections for the
roleCatalog only one configuration takes effect.</p>
<p>This is the setup:</p>
<p>Role 1:</p>
<p> <roleCatalog><br>
<collectionRef oid="XXXXXX"
<p>This is visible and works as long as the user is not a member of
a second Role defining the same option for a different collection:</p>
<p>Role 2:</p>
<p> <roleCatalog><br>
<collectionRef oid="XXXXX"
<p>Intuitively, I would have expected the setting to be merged (it
works for the rest of the settings in adminGuiConfiguration after
all), but that doesn't seem to be the case.<br>
I also didn't find much in the documentation about this, so any
help would be greatly appreciated.<br>
<p>Thanks in advance and kind regards,</p>