<html>Hey guy,<br /><br />I canno't find what it the best practice between mapping attribut change in the ressource or in the role/metarole.<br /><br />For exemple, I have a outbound mapping with some attribut like name. In MP I have "<fullname>.<givenname>" and in outbound I want "<givenname>". What is the best solution ? :<br />- Use schema handling for make my transformation<br />- Use the contruction part of my metarole for make this transformation<br /><br />It's just a dumb exemple :)<br /><br /><inducement id="1"><br /> <construction><br /> <resourceRef<br /> oid="41746865-6e61-1000-0002-000000000001"<br /> relation="org:default"<br /> type="c:ResourceType" /><br /> <kind>entitlement</kind><br /> <intent>group</intent><br /> <strong><attribute><br /> <c:ref>ri:groupVisibility</c:ref><br /> <outbound><br /> <strength>weak</strength><br /> <expression><br /> <value>private</value><br /> </expression><br /> </outbound><br /> </attribute></strong><br /> </construction><br /> </inducement><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />--<p>Cordialement.</p></html>