<div><!-- tmjah_g_1299s --> Hi, <!-- tmjah_g_1299e --><br><br></div>
<div><!-- tmjah_g_1299s -->I'd like to notify to the role approver that a work item is ready to be approved, but I think there is a bug, described here<!-- tmjah_g_1299e --><br><br></div>
<div><!-- tmjah_g_1299s --><a href="http://lists.evolveum.com/pipermail/midpoint/2016-June/001976.html">http://lists.evolveum.com/pipermail/midpoint/2016-June/001976.html</a><!-- tmjah_g_1299e --><br><br></div>
<div><!-- tmjah_g_1299s -->Because I'm having the same error... <!-- tmjah_g_1299e --><br><br></div>
<div><!-- tmjah_g_1299s -->So, is it possible for me to modify something to make it works on midpoint 3.3.1? We prefer to not update to 3.4 if the 3.5 is close... Thank you, <!-- tmjah_g_1299e --><br><br></div>
<div><!-- tmjah_g_1299s -->Marco<!-- tmjah_g_1299e --><br><br></div>
<div><!-- tmjah_g_1299s -->Inviato da <!-- tmjah_g_1299e --><!-- tmjah_g_1299s --><a href="http://www.bluemail.me/r">BlueMail</a><!-- tmjah_g_1299e --><!-- tmjah_g_1299s --> <!-- tmjah_g_1299e --></div>