[midPoint] How to configure ConnId options?

h2-wada h2-wada at nri.co.jp
Thu Jan 23 05:13:01 CET 2025


I am the author of the Keycloak Connector.
If all you want to achieve is simply assigning a user to group(s), I think you should be able to accomplish this by setting fetchStrategy to explicit.


Here is a sample XML configuration:

As Pavol mentioned, midPoint hardcodes the value of allowPartialAttributeValues. However, this only applies during search operation. When synchronization is actually executed, get is called if needed, and it should work correctly.
If it doesn’t work as expected, please let me know!

Best regards,

Hiroyuki Wada
h2-wada at nri.co.jp

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送信日時: 2025年1月21日 19:11
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CC: Robin Gorris (SFPD)
件名: [midPoint] How to configure ConnId options?


Is there a way to configure ConnId properties through MidPoint configuration?

Context: we’re evaluating the Keycloak connector from Openstandia, which has been working great.

When configuring the user-to-group mappings, we need to be able to set the allowPartialAttributeValues value so that the connector doesn’t skip retrieving group memberships, as I understand from this bit of code:

if (allowPartialAttributeValues) {
            // Suppress fetching groups
            LOGGER.ok("[{0}] Suppress fetching groups because return partial attribute values is requested", instanceName);

            AttributeBuilder ab = new AttributeBuilder();
        } else {
            if (attributesToGet == null) {
                // Suppress fetching groups default
                LOGGER.ok("[{0}] Suppress fetching groups because returned by default is true", instanceName);

            } else if (shouldReturn(attributesToGet, ATTR_GROUPS)) {
                // Fetch groups
                LOGGER.ok("[{0}] Fetching groups because attributes to get is requested", instanceName);

                List<GroupRepresentation> groups = users(realmName).get(user.getId()).groups();
                builder.addAttribute(ATTR_GROUPS, groups.stream().map(g -> g.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList()));

The allowPartialAttributeValues variable is a ConnID Operation Option, for which I found the JavaDoc here: OperationOptions (ConnId API)<https://connid.tirasa.net/apidocs/1.5/org/identityconnectors/framework/common/objects/OperationOptions.html#OP_ALLOW_PARTIAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES>

The MidPoint version we’re using is 4.8.5.

Regardless of our specific context, it would be good to know if and how ConnId options can be set through MidPoint configuration. I highly appreciate your feedback.

Kind regards,

[cid:image001.png at 01DB6BF1.F23E4860]<http://www.sfpd.fgov.be/>

Robin Gorris

Build & Release
Federale Pensioendienst

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