[midPoint] Midpoint trying to write to a deleted resource account

Alcides Moraes alcides.neto at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 03:11:42 CEST 2024

Hello list

Today one of our Livesync tasks halted with the following error:

2024-06-06T21:52:12.586 ERROR [com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.visualizer.Resolver] (http-nio-8080-exec-10) Couldn't apply definition on ObjectDelta(ShadowType:98781d3c-xxxx-xxxx-bbd5-03e4f0cfc800,MODIFY: PropertyDeltaImpl(attributes / {.../resource/instance-3}manager, DELETE), PropertyDeltaImpl(metadata / {.../common/common-3}modifyChannel, REPLACE), PropertyDeltaImpl(metadata / {.../common/common-3}modifyTimestamp, REPLACE), ReferenceDeltaImpl(metadata / {.../common/common-3}modifierRef, REPLACE), ReferenceDeltaImpl(metadata / {.../common/common-3}modifyTaskRef, REPLACE), ReferenceDeltaImpl(metadata / {.../common/common-3}modifyApproverRef, REPLACE), PropertyDeltaImpl(metadata / {.../common/common-3}modifyApprovalComment, REPLACE)) -- continuing with no definition.

It is trying to remove the value of the manager field of a deleted account.
The account should be deleted, that’s correct, but it tries to remove the value of the manager field AFTER the deletion, thus resulting on the error.

What do I need to do to resolve this? For a workaround I changed the manager mapping to WEAK but I need it normal.

The resource is Active Directory by the way.
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