[midPoint] Campaign definition Targeting indirect role assignments

Hilmar Kistemaker hilmar.kistemaker at mollie.com
Thu Jul 4 17:06:29 CEST 2024

Hi all,

I’m working on a new campaign definition where I want to target direct and
indirect role assignments for users.

My situation is as follows:

We have app roles named with this naming convention: APP_FOOBAR_ROLENAME,
APP_FOOBAR_ANOTHER_ROLENAME and so on. These roles are induced in Business

I want to create a campaign that generates a work item for all users with
either a direct or indirect assignment to any role that starts with

Now I see in the XML definition of the campaigns the following:

Is there also a handler for indirect assignments? I could not find anything
in the documentation.

Hope someone can help.

Kind regards,
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