[midPoint] Recomputation task

Ashwill, Steven L sashwill at uillinois.edu
Tue Jan 30 16:17:51 CET 2024

Hi Fabian,
Thank you for your reply.

The main problem is I don't have a reconciliation task or a compute task for the resource. I did the mapping as you suggested, I just need to get the AD updated with the new value for all of its users. Would you happen to have an xml example of the task?


From: Fabian Noll-Dukiewicz <fabian.noll-dukiewicz at veryfy.gmbh>
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 8:13 AM
To: midPoint General Discussion <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
Cc: Ashwill, Steven L <sashwill at uillinois.edu>
Subject: AW: Recomputation task

Hi Steven,

if this is resource specific I would add the new value as outbound mapping to the resource configuration with strength = strong and run the reconciliation task for the resource. This should affect all users having an account in the resource.

Kind regards,

Fabian Noll-Dukiewicz
Spezialist Identity & Access Management | Geschäftsführer
Tel.: +49 152 244 63 211
Email: fabian.noll-dukiewicz at veryfy.gmbh<mailto:fabian.noll-dukiewicz at veryfy.gmbh>
Web: https://veryfy.gmbh<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/veryfy.gmbh__;!!DZ3fjg!85R3doDyECABzeBgZIpkrdmRZgasNaesYnj9U4HLNQ-O-sjI7qa_4zApqW-XZE4UrB2UcUGIDYOvyPzmIOY1cCQ6GzoMXdgZBkdw$>

Von: midPoint <midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com<mailto:midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com>> im Auftrag von Ashwill, Steven L via midPoint <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com<mailto:midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>>
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Cc: Ashwill, Steven L <sashwill at uillinois.edu<mailto:sashwill at uillinois.edu>>
Betreff: [midPoint] Recomputation task
Hello all,
I'm in need of a recompute task that will push out a new value to all users in one of my repositories. I've just started the tutorials but have a production need that exceeds the speed of which I'm learning about Midpoint.  Anyone have a sample they can share?


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