[midPoint] Simulations Webinar

Evolveum Marketing vera at evolveum.com
Wed Nov 29 18:12:42 CET 2023

Dear midPoint community,

If you want to make sure you don't miss the webinar, you can add it to 
your calendar. Download the calendar ICS file 
<https://evolveum.com/wp-content/uploads/Simulations-Webinar.ics>, or 
use following links to add the event to your Google calendar 
Office 365 

Hope to see you there!


Veronika Kolpascikova
Marketing Specialist

On 29/11/2023 17:55, Evolveum Marketing wrote:
> Dear midPoint community,
> We would like to invite you to an online webinar devoted to 
> Simulations in midPoint. The webinar will be led by our Senior 
> Software Developer Pavol Mederly.
> After a brief overview of this feature, Pavol will cover various use 
> cases. He will guide you through interesting configuration options, 
> like defining your own metrics and event marks. The simulation reports 
> will be shown as well. Finally, you will learn about selected 
> experimental features, current limitations, and possible future 
> developments.
> *Please reserve the date:*
> December 07 (Thursday), 2PM CET (8AM EST / 10PM JST)
> *Zoom link: 
> *https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82004932153?pwd=TnRVN1pWVzhENW9kTE95UlRZcUp2QT09 
> *Meeting ID:* 820 0493 2153
> *Password:* 251881
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