[midPoint] Campaign definition filter on inducement

Hilmar Kistemaker hilmar.kistemaker at mollie.com
Wed Nov 15 16:40:29 CET 2023

Hi all,

I managed to create a campaign definition with an object filter that
returns roles that have specific Application Roles induced.



I'm looking for something similar to the above query that returns all roles
with a certain Resource Entitlement inducement.

The inducement in the role looks like this:

<inducement id="3">
        <resourceRef oid="4e3f8eb3-75b4-454b-b885-071aa5e8f831"
relation="org:default" type="c:ResourceType">
        <association id="4">
                    <value xsi:type="c:ShadowAssociationType">
oid="5e28f3cb-204a-4018-ab8b-cbaf2bbaa54c" type="c:ShadowType"/>

It would also be nice to be able to specify the name of the inducement
instead of the OID. Or part of a name, so that the query will return all
roles that have an inducement that start with a certain identifier or

Hope someone can help.

Kind regards,
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