[midPoint] Hide unwanted roles in the user role assignment tab.

Yakov Revyakin yrevyakin at gmail.com
Tue May 16 10:04:53 CEST 2023

I was looking for an answer how to limit roles list a post before. You can
find explanation in the topic "Authorization role to allow read own
Main mistake is using "#read" authorization which means "#get" + "#search".
To limit a list you need to use "#search" for RoleType I think.

On Mon, 15 May 2023 at 18:35, Sébastien MARBRIER via midPoint <
midpoint at lists.evolveum.com> wrote:

> Dear Community
> I have a role to assign and unassign a few roles to users.
> I did it this way to list the allowed roles:
> <authorization id="41">
>         <action>
> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/security/authorization-model-3#get
> </action>
>         <action>
> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/security/authorization-model-3#read
> </action>
>         <object id="31">
>             <type>ObjectCollectionType</type>
>             <filter>
>                 <q:inOid>
>                     <q:value>oidValue</q:value>
>                 </q:inOid>
>             </filter>
>         </object>
>     </authorization>
> And so on.
> Then, when the “manager” clicks on a user to add a role, the  desired
> roles are available and it can perform the assign/unassign operation.
> The issue is that requestable  roles are also listed even if the
> assign/unassign operation cannot be performed.
> In order to have a clean view, how the unwanted roles can be hidden ?
> I also have another issue, the Preview Changes button does not work for my
> user manager, do you know a way either to give the permission or simply to
> hide this button from the GUI ?
> My midpoint version is a 4.0.1
> Best regards,
> [image: logo] <https://www.positivethinking.tech/>
> *Sébastien Marbrier*  | Senior IT Consultant
> smarbrier at positivethinking.tech
> Tel. +41 21 601 81 00 <+41%2021%20601%2081%2000>
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> www.positivethinking.tech
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