[midPoint] Dynamic Role Catalog

Florian Dürr florian.duerr at itconcepts.ch
Fri Mar 3 12:35:35 CET 2023

Hi @all

My goal is to have a dynamic role catalog which shows (or doesn't show) roles based on criterias I define in a piece of code.
For example: I have Role A which should only be requestable between 2am and 4pm (stupid example, but I want to showcase that the conditions should really be arbitrary).

My Idea is to make the return value for the requestable-Tag dynamic, meaning:

<role (...)>
    <name>Role A</name>
    <displayName>For demonstration purposes only</displayName>
        --> My piece of code which either returns true or false <--

Unfortunately, I don't know how to integrate Code in above described way.
Can someone point me into the right direction please? Much appreciated!

Thanks and best,

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