[midPoint] notification with policyRule / policyActions

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Thu Jun 29 15:15:00 CEST 2023


I am sorry, but - in general - we developers do not answer questions 
here on the list. I try to give general answers where I can do that 
quickly, or where it is well-aligned with my daily development work.

So, unfortunately, I cannot help you with your further questions.

I hope someone from the community could do that; ... or, our 
professional consultancy services would welcome you :)

Best regards,

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 29/06/2023 15:06, Yakov Revyakin via midPoint wrote:
> Hi Pavol,
> I agree - looks really tricky. Till I'm trying to understand what 
> exactly happens there, could you answer another related question?
> I found that there is <notify/> action under 
> policyActions/scriptExecution/executeScript which is configurable in a 
> clear way.
> But found that I can't execute this correctly under a tenant user. To 
> execute notify action we need full access like superuser - see 1st 
> runAsRef. In this case recipientExpression ignores tenancy limitation 
> during user search in the script below. So, we need 2nd runAsRef to 
> run the script by the current logged in user which is a user of the 
> current tenant. In case of static oid of this user things work fine - 
> the script returns only users from this tenant. I simply can't write 
> xml for dynamic case. Could you help?
>             <policyActions>
>                 <scriptExecution>
>                     <runAsRef 
> oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002" />
>                     <object>
>                         <currentObject/>
>                     </object>
>                     <executeScript 
> xmlns:s="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/scripting-3">
>                         <s:notify>
>                             <s:handler>
>                                 <generalNotifier>
> <recipientExpression>
>                                         <!-- static approach works - 
> oid of current logged in user -->
>                                         <runAsRef 
> oid="d94e7fdc-0935-4b51-9205-6417a598f235" />
>                                         <!-- but how to arrange dynamic?
>                                         <runAsRef>
> <filter>
> <q:ref>
> <q:path> ??????????? </q:path>
> <expression>
> <script>
> <code>
>     import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ObjectTypeUtil
>     return [ObjectTypeUtil.createOidOnlyObjectRef(*actor*)]
> </code>
> </script>
> </expression>
> </q:ref>
>                                             </filter>
>                                         </runAsRef>
>                                         -->
>                                         <script>
>                                             <code>
>                                                 import ....
>                                                 HashSet notifyTo = new 
> HashSet()
>                                                 // look for admins 
> with tenant-based authorization role assigned
>                                                 ObjectQuery query = 
> midpoint.prismContext.queryFor(UserType.class)
> .item(UserType.F_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP_REF).ref("00506aa0-b76c-42f8-b82c-43080f76c58a")
> .build()
>                                                 // if search is 
> running under tenant user (current logged in user) returns users from 
> this tenant only
>                                                 for (UserType user: 
> midpoint.searchObjects(UserType.class, query)) {
>                                                     String email = 
> user.getEmailAddress()
>                                                     if (email != null) {
> notifyTo.add(email)
>                                                     }
>                                                 }
>                                                 return notifyTo
>                                             </code>
>                                         </script>
> </recipientExpression>
>                                     <bodyExpression>
>                                             ....
>                                     </bodyExpression>
> <transport>file</transport>
>                                 </generalNotifier>
>                             </s:handler>
>                         </s:notify>
>                     </executeScript>
>                 </scriptExecution>
>             </policyActions>
> On Thu, 29 Jun 2023 at 14:01, Pavol Mederly via midPoint 
> <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com> wrote:
>     Hello Yakov,
>     this one is highly experimental; and the documentation is probably
>     waiting for a sponsor (i.e., a customer needing it).
>     However, as usual, I'd suggest searching through midPoint test
>     sources. Each feature (even experimental ones, at least majority
>     of them) should have some tests created for it.
>     This one is no exception, although more trickier than usual. It
>     seems to me that TestRbac.test870AssignRoleScreaming would provide
>     some hints.
>     Regards,
>     -- 
>     Pavol Mederly
>     Software developer
>     evolveum.com  <http://evolveum.com>
>     On 27/06/2023 07:21, Yakov Revyakin via midPoint wrote:
>>     Any ideas?
>>     On Thu, 15 Jun 2023 at 09:54, Yakov Revyakin
>>     <yrevyakin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>         Hi all,
>>         It's not clear it is possible currently to use <notification>
>>         as policy action.
>>                     <policyActions>
>>                         <notification>
>>                             <???????>
>>                         </notification>
>>                     </policyActions>
>>         Is there any sample how to deal with this?
>>         Or, maybe, an alternative way? Actually, I'd like to
>>         notify if a transition based on objectState is triggered.
>>         Thanks,
>>         Yakov
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