[midPoint] [SPAM MEDIUM] MidPoint Error Couldn't list objects

Pascal PERICHON pascal.perichon at u-paris.fr
Thu Feb 16 16:15:17 CET 2023


not sure, but maybe read this : 

Best regards

Le 16/02/2023 à 15:35, Izaias Pereira dos Santos via midPoint a écrit :
> Hello!
> T'm trying to connect to a ldap database but I'm getting the following 
> error:
> "Got unexpected exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Paged 
> search is requested, but the filtered results handler is enabled in 
> effective (i.e. non-validation) mode. This is not supported."
> I'm new to midPoint and couldn't find any reference on how to solve 
> this problem.

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