[midPoint] Replace Manager from OrgUnit

Ruy Minoru Ito Takata ruy.takata at serpro.gov.br
Fri Oct 14 19:00:13 CEST 2022

I'm using CSV file to create a org tree and assign a manager to each one. But when there are a change in manager, the new manager is added and the old manager is not removed.

Like in the book, the org CSV has orgnum, orgname, and manager identifier. I made two resources, one to build the org tree, and another to assign manager to the orgs.

The resource that assigns manager to the orgs has a assignmentTargetSearch to find the org and change the assignment attribute of the user. So, when a user is no more manager of an org, his identifier disappear from the CSV file.

What is the correct way to do this?

My CSV org file is like:

My schemahandling:
                <displayName>Organizational Unit Manager</displayName>
                    <ref>ri:orgmanager</ref>  <!-- employeeNumber -->
                    <ref>ri:orgnum</ref> <!-- organization code -->
                                            return input.subtype.contains("csvorgmanager")

Ruy Minoru Ito Takata
Superintendência de Segurança da Informação
Diretoria de Operações
+55 (11) 2173-1799

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