[midPoint] Tasks not running after upgrade to v4.4.3

Velasco, William William.Velasco at devry.edu
Thu Nov 3 15:22:32 CET 2022

I want to point out that the custom tasks were migrated to the new task definition style using midPoint Studio and then re-uploaded. Also, the system tasks (cleanup, trigger, validation) have been recreated (deleted using the GUI and restarting the nodes).

The issue is that none of the tasks run at all. Whether by the scheduler, manually running the task, or being called via the REST API.

Whenever the task is submitted to run, there are no errors or activity in the logs that indicates the task is indeed running.

William Velasco

From: midPoint <midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com> On Behalf Of Velasco, William via midPoint
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 5:39 PM
To: midpoint at lists.evolveum.com
Cc: Velasco, William <William.Velasco at devry.edu>
Subject: [midPoint] Tasks not running after upgrade to v4.4.3

We have recently upgraded to MidPoint v4.4.3 from v4.0.4, and while the upgrade of the different components was completed without any issues or warnings, we have noticed that none of the tasks (system or custom) would run at all after the upgrade.

The task configuration looks fine, and the scheduler seems to think they are running (The Status tab shows "In Progress"). However, no actions seem to be performed (no activities in the logs). Eventually, the Scheduled to start again tab shows as "already passed".

Although the timestamp does not seem to relate directly to when the task is supposed to trigger, there is an error that seems to be recurrent on the logs (about every four minutes in each of the two nodes we run).

2022-11-01 17:31:32,308 [] [QuartzScheduler_midPointScheduler-Node1_MisfireHandler] ERROR (org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX): MisfireHandler: Error handling misfires: Database error recovering from misfires.
org.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Database error recovering from misfires.

Can you please advise how to handle this issue?

William Velasco

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