[midPoint] order=2 with condition

Yakov Revyakin yrevyakin at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 14:00:22 CET 2022

Is it possible to have inducement with order=2 and condition based on order
2 focus attribute in a role?
For example, Org 2 has Org 1 among its assignments. Role 1 has inducement
of order 2 which assigns Role 2. Role 1 is assigned to Org 1.
Can the definition of the inducement have a condition which is based on
attributes of order=2 focus - org2 in my case?

My version of condition says that costCenter is an attribute of order=1
focus. I'd like to have a condition based on order=2 focus which is
costCenter==link in my case.

        <targetRef oid="efa447f8-8f45-4421-a463-5f2fd6a44580"
relation="org:default" type="c:RoleType"/>
                        return focus.costCenter == "link";
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