[midPoint] Offline / manual resources in midPoint

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Wed Jun 22 19:03:11 CEST 2022

Hello Jaroslav,

I think the principle is nicely summarized here: 
https://docs.evolveum.com/midpoint/reference/resources/manual/. I mean 
these paragraphs:

When looking for samples, I personally strongly prefer files from our 
*test suite*, as they are 100% guaranteed to work. :)

In particular, manual resources are covered by the following:

  * https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint/tree/master/provisioning/provisioning-impl/src/test/resources/manual
    (low-level tests)

  * https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint/tree/master/model/model-intest/src/test/resources/manual
    (higher-level tests)

By searching for e.g. resource OIDs you could easily find also the 
corresponding Java code, but it might be harder to understand.

Hope this helps,

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 22/06/2022 15:25, Jaroslav Kobylka via midPoint wrote:
> Hello community,
> in our company, we decided to start using midPoint, but unfortunately, 
> I have been struggling with setting up offline resources for many 
> weeks. I managed eg to make a working GitHub connector, but not basic 
> manual resource 😅. And yes, I read official book / dev doc / github 
> repo, but I am still missing the principle of how it works without an 
> active connection.
> The scenario is simple - at the beginning, we want to maintain a list 
> of Users, a simple list of Roles, and related Resources - most of the 
> resources will be offline, which means we need to audit that 
> access/permission was granted, but account will be set up manually. On 
> Demo instance is not much about it, same for the documentation.
> Would it be possible to at least direct me (eg some XML snippet with 
> an explanation etc) or show me a simple example of an offline working 
> Resource on a demo instance of midPoint, including an approval ticket?
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> best regards
> *
> Jaroslav Kobylka*
> Operations Lead,
> at Twisto, A Zip Company
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