[midPoint] Understand constraint violation: Found conflicting existing object

Fabian Noll-Dukiewicz fabian.noll-dukiewicz at fndit.de
Thu Jul 28 11:13:24 CEST 2022

Hi everone,

I'm trying to understand why the names “OD:CORPAD:1E-S__IdM” and “OD:CORPAD:1ES__IdM” are the same in midpoint.
I got the following error:

Error processing focus(role:fbb1df46-1dc1-4c1e-88e0-be37d30e5564(OD:CORPAD:1E-S__IdM)): constraint violation: Found conflicting existing object with property name = PP({.../common/common-3}name):[PPV(PolyString:OD:CORPAD:1E-S__IdM)]: role:2cdc1387-a47d-4a09-a876-13145f5b840f(OD:CORPAD:1ES__IdM)

My customer runs midpoint 4.3.1.

The scenario is, that we import AD groups and create roles from these groups. The name is build with prefix “OD:CORPAD:” and the samaccountname. If I replace the dash (-) with underscore (_) it works but this is not what I want, because I need the original name with prefix for another connected system.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
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