[midPoint] SAP Connector indirect ACTIVITYGROUPS contribution

Martin Lízner - AMI Praha a.s. martin.lizner at ami.cz
Sat Jan 29 09:48:01 CET 2022

Hi, yes this is exactly what we were facing. We dedicated to work it out
with custom matching rule, since we need it for other purposes as well. But
hiding indirect roles in ri:ACTIVITYGROUPS (orgflag=C) on the connector may
be more effective. Make sure its a connector configurable and please create
a pull request on the master.

Btw, Im currently working on another SAP connector enhancement - that you
can configure update error codes that are considered as nonfatal (e.g.
company value missing in SAP and so on).


út 18. 1. 2022 v 16:05 odesílatel Emil.Militzer--- via midPoint <
midpoint at lists.evolveum.com> napsal:

> Hello together,
> we encountert a problem in our deployment with indirect ACTIVITYGROUPS in
> the SAP. We want to be non tolerant in the SAP ACTIVITYGROUPS Mapping.
> In the SAP itself we also have a complicted role hierarchy. The indirect
> roles will be calculated in the SAP after we assign a SAP ACTIVITYGROUP
> with child ACTIVITYGROUPs.
> During the next recompute midPoint tries to delete all indirect roles
> because we are not tolerant. This will have no effect in SAP but will be
> tried during every recompute.
> We tried to work around the issue by importing every indirect role into
> midpoint but now every indirect role will be mapped as direct in the SAP.
> In general indirect roles can be identified through the „ORG_FLAG“ in the
> ACTIVITYGROUPS XML field. We also tried targetsets but this is quite
> complicated and did not resolve the issue as wanted.
> We came to the conclusion that the clean way would be a configuration fort
> he SAP connector to hide all indirect ACTIVITYGROUPS. I implemented this in
> the SAP Connector and the results are quite promising.
> I think this change could benefit others and would like to contribute it
> to the SAP connector.
> Did any of you had the same problem? Could you solve it in a way which we
> did not see? What do you think about a connector configuration idea and the
> contribution?
> I would be happy if i could get some feedback.
> Kind regards
> Emil
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