[midPoint] Set resource attribute pwdReset when password changed in Midpoint GUI by IDM admin

Frédéric Lohier frederic at lohier.org
Wed Mar 31 16:13:12 CEST 2021

Hello ,

*I would like to set the Open LDAP attribute  « pwdReset » only when the
user’s password attribute is modified in the Midpoint GUI by an IDM admin*.

I first came up with the following mapping conditionned by <channel>
(that’s a start, but not enough) and a <condition> which returns true only
if the $user/credentials/password/metadata contains

This technically works but it seems that the metadata for the password
attribute is written *after* the mapping is applied so this does not work
as expected. Here is mapping for reference :
















                                userchannel = "

                                if (metadata?.modifyChannel == userchannel) {

                                    return true


                                else {

                                    return false







The second solution I have thought of is to have two outbound mappings of
the password conditionned by channel, if channel=#user, then I set the
pwdReset attribute =TRUE in the resource.

My question is : *how can I set the resource attribute pwdReset in the
context of the password mapping?*

Here is the draft of the second mapping for reference :




                            <name>Password and pwdReset (to force the
password reset by user)</name>







                                // If password modification comes from an
Midpoint admin (channel #user), then we set the Open LDAP pwdReset
attribute to TRUE (this will force the user to reset his password)

                                How to set ri:pwdReset to TRUE in LDAP

                                // Then we return the password value anyway

                                return input






                            <name> Simple password mapping</name>

                            <description>We apply this mapping every time,
except if the modification is done on the Midpoint GUI (by an IDM admin)</







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