[midPoint] parametrized authorization

Pascal PÉRICHON pascal.perichon at u-paris.fr
Fri Feb 26 12:01:49 CET 2021


I need in an authorization to know which value is actually presented by 

The problem is that "extension/listeAffectations" in users accounts is a 
multi-valued field, and I need to compare this value presented by the 
authorisation with another in a mutivalued field in the "actor" account. 
Looking for the good groovy code.


                                     // the groovy code to know which 
value is actually presented
                                     // by 
                                     // to the variable actor or subject


I checked with "this.binding.variables.each {k,v -> log.info("{} = {}", 
k, v)};" to find this data... but nothing easy.

I know that maybe it's not the way that midpoint is working, but it's 
for a very specific use and I can't use an organization structure.

any help ?

thanks a lot

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Direction des systèmes d'information et du numérique
Université de Paris
Bâtiment les Grands Moulins - Aile A - Bureau 721A
5 rue Thomas Mann 75013 Paris
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