[midPoint] File x doesn't exist, at least file with CSV

Fabian Noll-Dukiewicz fabian.noll-dukiewicz at fndit.de
Tue Aug 24 17:11:52 CEST 2021

Hi David,

can you please send us your xml configuration file.

Contains the file any data or is it an empty file? Can you save your configuration and use the “Test connection” in the resource overview instead of using the “Save and test connection” button? Which version of midpoint do you run?

The community need some more information to help you 😉

Kind regards

Von: David Gregor <davidgregor7 at gmail.com>
Datum: Dienstag, 24. August 2021 um 16:47
An: Fabian Noll-Dukiewicz <fabian.noll-dukiewicz at fndit.de>
Betreff: <Kein Betreff>
Hello Fabian, thanks for your idea !

The CSV is in the path for sure. I used chmod in WSL2 - chmod 777 hr.csv so it should be accessible.
I am the admin or superadmin of the MidPoint, so it should not be a problem.
I tried a lot of paths, none of them worked.

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