[midPoint] midPoint Studio 4.3

Viliam Repáň viliam.repan at evolveum.com
Mon Apr 19 14:35:34 CEST 2021

Dear midPoint community,

we’re pleased to announce new release of our Intellij Idea plugin midPoint Studio 4.3 Most notable improvements are:

Delete object directly from browse tool window
Bulk refresh predefined objects
Import/export of encrypted properties
Updated documentation generator
Test connection only for resource objects (without uploading xml)
Environment properties inlayed to xml for better readability
Xml diff simplified UI, multiple diff strategies available

Plugin is already available via Jetbrains Marketplace.
Feel free to try it out and let us know what you think.

Best regards, 

Viliam Repan | Software Engineer
viliam.repan at evolveum.com | https://evolveum.com/ <https://evolveum.com/>
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