[midPoint] Workshop: Data provenance and metadata management in IdM

Slavek Licehammer slavek.licehammer at evolveum.com
Fri Sep 4 16:55:10 CEST 2020

The basic idea of an identity management (IdM) is to gather objects (users, groups, …) and their attributes, transform them (using rules, roles, etc.) and then provision them to managed systems and services. With the increasing complexity of IT systems in general as well as increasing demands on data processing, data protection regulation for example, we need to reflect these changes in the identity management domain as well. This problem brought us to the idea to not work only with the primary data, but manage also metadata for them.

MidPrivacy project (https://docs.evolveum.com/midpoint/midprivacy/) is aiming to develop an open source privacy-enhancing identity management solution on top of open-source IdM midPoint (https://midpoint.evolveum.com/). Current phase of the project is focused on data provenance and metadata management in general. Even though the results are built on top of midPoint, the fundamentals are generally applicable.

Therefore, we would like to share our progress and get some feedback on our work. Also we are trying to find others who are exploring the same area to share ideas or collaborate. 

If this topic grabs your attention you are welcome to visit our workshop which will consist of a short presentation and demo of current results followed by a discussion. 

The workshops will be held on Thursday 10th of September from 16:00 CEST on online video-conference:

Best regards, 

  Slavek Licehammer

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