[midPoint] Error with midpoint.createPasswordResetLink()

Pascal Perichon pascal.perichon at u-paris.fr
Tue May 26 15:18:22 CEST 2020


The function midpoint.createPasswordResetLink() use a token created with 
the password policy rules.

In our password policy we use some characters that are problematic for 
URL. For example I had a reset password link like this (generated by 
midpoint) :


When I use this link, I have a message from midpoint : "Invalid username 
and/or password.", and it seems to be normal (special characters in the 

Of course when I encode manually the query part :


then midpoint works perfectly and I can reset the password.

Unfortunatly, the functions in the midpoint library used in 
createPasswordResetLink() are private.

So the only way to have a valid URL link is to have a second password 
policy for the nonce without reserved characters for URL, or to break 
the URL in a groovy script to catch the query parameters and encode it :

      import java.net.URLEncoder;
      import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
      import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.SchemaConstants;

      url = midpoint.createPasswordResetLink(user);
splitUrl = url.split(SchemaConstants.TOKEN + "=", -1);
      link = splitUrl[0] + SchemaConstants.TOKEN + '=' + 
URLEncoder.encode(splitUrl[1], StandardCharsets.UTF_8 as String);

We don't want to manage 2 password policies, so this groovy script is 
the right way to do ? (or maybe it miss an encoding step in the private 
midpoint library function "createTokenConfirmationLink" ??)

(Yes the groovy script is fragile is something changes in future release 
of midpoint library functions)


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